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blog, preparedness, Ready Report -

Unwavering Vigilance: A Week in PreparednessWelcome to this week's edition of Ready Report from What If Survival (WIS), where we bring to light the crucial developments in safety and preparedness from around the globe. This past week has been a whirlwind of events that underscore the importance of being prepared for anything.11/28/23 - Strengthening Defenses Against Disasters in LouisianaAt a House Homeland Security Subcommittee Field Hearing in Louisiana, Chairman D’Esposito highlighted the urgent need to bolster our defenses against natural disasters. He stressed, “We can’t only focus on disaster recovery. We have to ensure that our infrastructure can withstand the...

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blog, preparedness, travel -

Navigating Hazards: A Guide to Scene Safety in Emergencies Introduction:In the world of emergency response, every second counts, and so does every decision, especially when it comes to scene safety. From electrical wire hazards to chemical spills, understanding the risks and knowing how to respond is crucial for both first responders and the public. This guide aims to provide essential insights into various emergency scene hazards and how to stay safe.1. Electrical Wire Safety:Electrical hazards, particularly downed power lines, are a common aftermath of storms, accidents, or disasters. These lines may still be live and can pose a fatal risk....

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blog, fire, matches, preparedness -

Reliable fire-starting tools are essential for any outdoor adventure, and today I am excited to bring you a comparative review of two well-known matches in the market - the UCO Titan Stormproof Matches and Coleman Waterproof Camp Matches. The TestTo provide a fair and unbiased comparison, we conducted a direct head-to-head experiment. We struck each match and then dunked it into a small bowl of water - a straightforward yet revealing test to measure each match's resilience and practicality in real-world outdoor conditions.The ResultsOur testing yielded some clear distinctions. The Coleman matches, while marketed as 'waterproof', were disappointing. They frequently...

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blog, preparedness, wildfire -

Wildfires burn in British Columbia in this aerial photo released by the BC Wildfire Service on June 9. Xinhua/Shutterstock As our world continues to grapple with the climate crisis, the incidence of extreme weather events and natural disasters is unfortunately on the rise. Wildfires, in particular, are causing increasing concern, especially in areas like California, which has been hit by numerous large and destructive fires over the past decade. Therefore, understanding wildfire preparedness is critical. In light of this increasing threat, it's necessary to provide actionable steps to stay safe, heed evacuation notices, understand where to find information, and more.The...

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blog, Emergency Radio, Gear Review, Radio -

Today, I'm presenting a detailed review of a product that, despite its claims and thousands of 5 star reviews on Amazon, has left me profoundly disappointed: the Solar Crank CR-1009, an “emergency radio”. This review aims to inform potential buyers of the pitfalls of this product, emphasizing the importance of reliable, trustworthy equipment in emergency scenarios.Before we dive into the meat of this review, I'd like to address two prevalent issues I've found with many Amazon reviews. Both are particularly problematic when it comes to evaluating life-saving emergency gear, such as the emergency radio we're discussing today.1. They are notoriously...

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